Frequently asked questions
Yes, Property Studio offers free access to all base functionalities for up to 5 units. It’s our commitment to make property management accessible and affordable. Enjoy Property Studio’s service free, forever.
Property Studio offers a range of features to simplify property management, including tenant screening, rent collection, financial tracking, and maintenance scheduling. It saves time and effort, enhances financial organisation, and provides a convenient platform for managing multiple properties
Renters can enjoy the convenience of easy rent payments, streamlined communication with landlords, maintenance request submissions, and access to virtual property tours. Property Studio simplifies the rental process, making it more efficient and user-friendly
Yes, Property Studio takes data security seriously. The platform utilizes end-to-end encryption to protect user data, ensuring the confidentiality and privacy of sensitive information
Property Studio allows tenants to submit maintenance requests through the platform. Landlords can promptly address these requests and coordinate repairs or send maintenance specialists through their third-party partners
Yes, Property Studio is committed to continuous improvement and innovation. Future plans include features such as cashless property transactions, enhanced automation, advanced analytics, and an expanded network of property listings
To get started, visit the Property Studio website and sign up for an account. From there, you can explore the platform’s features and begin managing your properties or searching for rental options, depending on your role as a landlord or renter.
Yes, Property Studio provides a convenient communication channel for landlords and renters. Through the platform, they can exchange messages, discuss rental matters, address maintenance requests, and ensure smooth and efficient communication throughout the property management process
Absolutely! Property Studio is specifically designed to cater to landlords with multiple properties. The platform provides a centralized hub where landlords can conveniently manage all their properties, including rent collection, financial tracking, maintenance scheduling, and more
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